How to Move a WordPress Site from One Server to Another

Step 1: Make a Local Copy of the Existing WordPress Site Files The first thing to do is connect to the FTP server which provides access to the files for the existing WordPress installation. Getting an entire site is time consuming and, with any decent FTP client, it’s automated, so

PHP interview questions and answers

1)    What does a special set of tags <?= and ?> do in PHP? 2)    What’s the difference between include and require? 3)    I am trying to assign a variable the value of 0123, but it keeps coming up with a different number, what’s the problem? 4)    Would I use

Multimedia and canvas elements in HTML5

<canvas> The <canvas> element was originally developed by Apple® for use in Mac OS X Dashboard widgets and in Safari, but was later adopted by Mozilla® and Opera® in their Web browsers. The element has been standardized and included in the HTML5 specification, along with a series of 2D drawing

PHP Arrays

An array is a concept of declaring a variable in which multiple values can be stored or An array stores multiple values in a single variable.. an array in PHP is compound type. An array is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that maps values. Each element

Data Types and Built in functions

PHP supports 8 data types scalar data types( A variable in which only one value can be stored at a time Boolean integer Float / Double String Compound data type (A variable in which multiple values can be stored) Array Object Special data types resource Null The type of variable

variables and output statements in PHP

We have 2  functions for output in PHP those are echo() and Print () actually output statements used to send output to the client (browser) differences between echo() and print() are echo() is faster than print() in execution print() is return an integer value where echo() dosent return a value

Artistic border to an image

Open a one-layer document, then click the Background on the Layers panel. Choose the Rectangular Marquee tool (M or Shift-M), then draw a selection marquee. Position the marquee where you want the border to be. On the Options bar, click Refine Edge. In the Refine Edge dialog, choose On White view (W), then adjust the Radius,Smooth,Contrast,

WordPress web Server requirements

About the installation of WordPress everybody says that you need a minimal configuration but its not that much simple here are the list of server requirements with version number Lnux PHP 5.2.9 or greater MySQL 5.0 or greater The mod_rewrite Apache module Windows Windows Server® 2008 operating system IIS 7 PHP

Whats New in wordpress 3.5 – Elvin

WordPress, has released new version wordpress 3.5, the 80th version of WordPress. it brings with it some changes to help maintain its dominant position as the CMS of choice for bloggers and developers all over the world. There are some obvious changes that we will all notice immediately and then

Creating Downloading Icon

Step 1 create a document in Photoshopwith an dimensions of 600 x 400 px. Fill the background colour with #f0e9dd. Step 2 Select Ellipse tool (U). Create a nice circle with the size you like. Next, select the pen tool (P). Ctrl + click on the circle you just made.

Operators in PHP

Operators are used to perform some operations on data operators are broadly classified into 2 categories Unary operators An operator  that requires only one operant in unary operator. Ex: $a++ in the above statement a is operant and ++ is operator Binary Operator An operator that require two operant is

Introduction to PHP

Hi Guys Let me teach about PHP in easy steps. First of let me explain what is Programing Language. “ A Programing language is artificial language used to express  computer that can be performed with a machine, particularly Computer.” PHP is recursive acronym stands for  Personal Home Page, it is

Creating Reset.css

Too many CSS designers don’t realize the importance of creating a “reset.css” file. When you have an environment where each browser has its own “default” styling, you’ll often find yourself thumping your skull as you ask yourself, “Why is there a spacing here?” To save yourself some of the headaches