
Taxonomy filter for admin area

While working on custom post everybody struggles while sorting the posts by custom taxonomy,

if you add a code for each taxonomy then it will be lengthy. so here is the code for  sort by all taxonomies.

Add it on your functions.php then sorting will be available on all posts screen of your custom post type.


add_action( 'restrict_manage_posts', 'my_restrict_manage_posts' );

function my_restrict_manage_posts() {
    global $typenow, $post, $post_id;

	if( $typenow != "page" && $typenow != "post" ){
		//get post type
		//get taxonomy associated with current post type
		$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post_type);
		//in next loop add filter for tax
		if ($taxonomies) {
			foreach ($taxonomies as $tax_slug) {
				$tax_obj = get_taxonomy($tax_slug);
				$tax_name = $tax_obj->labels->name;
				$terms = get_terms($tax_slug);
				echo "<select name='$tax_slug' id='$tax_slug' class='postform'>";
				echo "<option value=''>Show All $tax_name</option>";
				foreach ($terms as $term) { 
					$label = (isset($_GET[$tax_slug])) ? $_GET[$tax_slug] : ''; // Fix
					echo '<option value='. $term->slug, $label == $term->slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '','>' . $term->name .' (' . $term->count .')</option>';
				echo "</select>";


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